Sunday, May 29, 2011


Good Morning to Everyone:

I would like to start this post by looking at topics from the last 7 posts that I wrote. We started off by finding out why Jesus is called "King of kings & Lord of lords." I pointed out that God the Father gave his son that because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and he is living today at the right hand of his father in heaven.
My next post I mentioned that Jesus is a different type of King, not the type that you would think of. Jesus's rule would be one of a servant and not as a dictatory. Jesus's rules would be there to protect us and not hurt us.
The next post was part 2 of the "King of king & Lord of lord" post, which I talked about Jesus does want us to follow 2 rules or commands. They are "You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you mind." The second rule is "You shall love you neighbor as yourself."
I then talked about in the next post about being a very tall Light House. A Light House that a person can see you coming at a faraway distance. I mentioned that you should help out other people that needs help, physically or mentally we can always help out someone that needs help, and we should be there to help. I believe that when you help someone you feel good about yourself so that light in the Light House will never go out.
Jesus wanted us to be a Light House, from that post we then here from God the Father, he wants us to become holy, like his son is. I mentioned that becoming holy is to separate ourself from everyday life, and its problems.
My next post Jesus gave us a prayer to follow called the Lord's Prayer, I believe Jesus was helping us to become holy, like himself. The first thing we must do is always stay in touch with our Heavenly Father, and by keeping in touch with God he will see us through a bad day.
My last post I mentioned that we must read and study God's Bible. We read the bible and we study different topics in the bible, so we can grow, the more we study and grow the holier we get.
The very first album recorded by Santana had a song in it called "Evil Ways", the first 2 lines goes like this: "You've got to change your evil ways, baby, before I stop lovin' you. You've got to change baby, and every word that I say is true." Every time I here this song it sounds like Jesus himself is telling me that I should change my Evil Ways or I would be perminetly lost. We all have a choose, to either change and work at being holy, with God's help or we can keep on our merry way, fare from God and everything that he has for us.
I do pray that we can all change and become holy like God wants us to.

Until latter have a good day.

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